Crown On A Throne

In the Trenches: Gaming Realities and Anime Conundrums

King Talib Ft Mr. White Season 2 Episode 4

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Ready for an unfiltered commentary on the state of the gaming world? Brace yourselves as we pull no punches discussing the disappointing decline of 2k basketball games and the controversial reign of EA's Madden NFL franchise. We walk down memory lane, reminiscing about our personal experiences with these video games and the lessons we've learned along the way. 

 We passionately dissect EA's monopoly on NFL games and explore the exciting possibilities that a 2K takeover might offer, like a thrilling seven-on-seven mode and individual player licensing. 

And then, things take a wild turn as we dive headfirst into the world of anime and online influencers. Engage in the heated debate on whether wealth equals fame and the surprising idea that unintelligent people can make valid points. Listen in as we critique the Fresh and Fit podcast, celebrate Ash Ketchum's long-awaited Pokemon mastery, and get into a fiery Dragon Ball Z versus Naruto discussion.  This episode promises to be a rollercoaster ride of debates, laughs, and thought-provoking discussions!

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Speaker 1:

I I.

Speaker 2:

Got to turn off the video games. We can get started with me playing video games. I love video games.

Speaker 1:

Oh you, hey, first of all, don't, don't, don't do that. There's nothing wrong.

Speaker 2:

On theур. Now it's about.

Speaker 1:

Let me turn this thing have you ever played the um the TNX game?

Speaker 2:

um, are we just like going straight through? Yeah, you should just start talking, just start. I don't want to do that. I don't. I don't want to do that because they, they like this part. They like when you say welcome back to ground on the throne. I just saw lightning ball. Oh, change your mind about those thoughts, huh? No, go back outside with it. All right, we want to porch. Bro, I'm scared, but I ain't gonna lie to you. All right, all right, what we was talking about? 2k, 2k trash. Hey, welcome back to crown on throne podcast. I'm king to leave.

Speaker 1:

Mr White. You know, he's mr White's scary sight, he's mr White this time. You're an asshole. What do you have to even mention that? Because, honestly, that's why that's, that's why I turned my own, my, my, my handle to um, mr White, gotta pay respect to my old boy. I Not gonna lie. All right, rip to the to. To to Alex. I forgot his name. I forgot his name, but, dang, he's a running it.

Speaker 2:

That's fucked up.

Speaker 1:

He just yeah, it is, that's fucked up, but it is.

Speaker 2:

He died in the bike while phones not on silent, that ain't that's your phone, my phone.

Speaker 1:

Stay on silent.

Speaker 2:

Cuz don't work. What Huh what? You got headphones in your head, oh Don't supervise me.

Speaker 1:

Right, I'm not supervising you are, do you mind?

Speaker 2:

you always used to do that, bro.

Speaker 1:

You do, you lie.

Speaker 2:

What? Because you're closer, passing me, my cellular device that's just further reach upon your or your uh grabbing Miss you like a food roll up. No, but I will take one fruit snacks since you're getting up, could you uh pass me a lollipop, sir? Pause. No, my boy, we try to get me with a windy special. Now we, these, got the faux, faux, faux.

Speaker 1:

Which one?

Speaker 2:

I don't know what's going on over there. I'm not a candy con to soar. Uh why? I feel like this is just a clump of sugar. You still didn't get the phone, thank you sir. Yeah, I'm about to put it on silent.

Speaker 1:

Quiet on the set. All phones on silent. You see, this is why that's how you know you don't really work in the film arts. Till you say he does like Because he would have known to throw his phone on silent. That's you wouldn't know.

Speaker 2:

It's crazy, that's crazy. It's business on this phone.

Speaker 1:

Hey, call it what you want. You know it's been a motion in one way. You know a business, you know, you know it been nice out here we getting the studio ready, man at that that they're gonna want my rounds. Called you oh Duty brown.

Speaker 2:

The fuck. Amen put a pause after that. That's a pause moment.

Speaker 1:

I ain't like what, but I didn't want to highlight it because it's like uh, pause, highlight Stuff that you don't mean.

Speaker 2:

All right. So can we talk about how 2k destroyed basketball and wrestling within the decade, If that's what we on?

Speaker 1:

would you say that wrestling 100 2k destroyed basketball?

Speaker 2:

I'm gonna put it up. I wouldn't say that this ain't sour.

Speaker 1:

I honestly I thought it was gonna be sour.

Speaker 2:

I was like the reaction on the camera.

Speaker 1:

That was my traditional thing. That's why I didn't grab the other one.

Speaker 2:

But the other one, the mint, whatever it look like mint.

Speaker 1:

You know how many lollipops. I believe it's meant it looks colorful. You know the colorful mint. You've never had the colorful mint.

Speaker 2:

Oh, it's a lollipop.

Speaker 1:

It's not a lollipop, but it's the colorful, I know, but it looks like a mint, the colorful one, though Maybe the sour is in the center. How many licks are the take to get to the center of it?

Speaker 2:

Hardened sugar. There's a sugar pop.

Speaker 1:

How many licks are the take to get to the center of it?

Speaker 2:

Stop asking me suss ass questions bro.

Speaker 1:

One two. All right, so let's this ain't you really say you missed the best one? I wouldn't say that you can look. I mean, obviously they have the exclusive licensing 100%. I give you that, but what?

Speaker 2:

happened to NBA live?

Speaker 1:

They fell out.

Speaker 2:

They dropped NBA live. I think I think that's 18-19. I think the last one they dropped was like 18 or 19 and the graphicals is looking pretty good. What was the?

Speaker 1:

game play fluid, though I've never played NBA live, to like put uh.

Speaker 2:

You've never played NBA live. Never played Boy, I've never. You're in part of my generation. That's why that's what it did, what it did. Is the thing, because NBA live used to be more popular than 2k actually.

Speaker 1:

No, I was.

Speaker 2:

I know because I was around. Clearly I'm the old guy in the room, according to you.

Speaker 1:

But according to me, or according to life, you were born before me, so you're old, older than me, you're an elder.

Speaker 2:

I am literally still in my 20s.

Speaker 1:

You're an elder, you're a young elder. Okay, I got it. Don't disrespect my gang bro. First of all, elders are the most respected people in any tribe.

Speaker 2:

I can't get jiggy with this man.

Speaker 1:

You wanted a lollipop.

Speaker 2:

Now I regret it. You got my mouth full of sticker five.

Speaker 1:

Part of me. We don't waste food right here. I mean, but I'm saying though, elders are the most like, respected people in any tribe that you go to, so why would you feel disrespected about me calling you an elder?

Speaker 2:

You're right, I don't feel disrespected.

Speaker 1:

Thank you, it's a privilege in my opinion, why is young black?

Speaker 2:

Say it. Say my name, you know who I am. Say it, say it, say it. You sound desperate to leave, Not but uh here's why I think 2k fucked up basketball. Nba live used to have licensing rights to uh To uh, the NBA franchise as well. Obviously, I think NBA live did get bad at some point.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, oh man.

Speaker 2:

You got to do better, my brother Um first off, your hair is not even twisted.

Speaker 1:

I don't need it from you, neither is mine. Oh, let me tell you something, the great philosopher J. Cole is natural hair. Bro, this is all black right.

Speaker 2:

Let me tell you what the great philosopher jcov said. From here on out, my hair grows out. I care none about opinions, I want to give truth. Like the pennies you throw fountains. Like the fountains, you throw pennies in. You know what I'm saying? That's what he said, j Cole.

Speaker 1:

But do you know the difference? Is you the first one to throw out in that pain with your facial expression? So for you to say that lyric after the fact, it's kind of you know. Yeah, all right, we're back with king to leave and crown throne. Who's so much? Okay? You were talking about something on the patio, about Jamie fox and something right?

Speaker 2:

no wait, let's get past, just to keep bullshit if you really are disappointed to okay. Yes, 2k is trash these days. They keep releasing this. It's not worse than madden, though, and on top of that, madden on top of that, would you say it's worse, man Are 2k 2k 2k. How would you say that? Name me a game 2k drop, that's good 2k 2k is only good because it is the only one on the market. That's be real.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Name another basketball game.

Speaker 1:

No, of course, that's the only one on the market.

Speaker 2:

That's why everybody buys it with that saying man 2k trash, because they released the same fucking game with slightly improved graphics and expect everybody to be like oh my gosh, new generation. You added sweat to sweat. What can I do with that?

Speaker 1:

You're career you can get off the um, the post a little bit better because you know with that sweat right they can't really get under you, because you know lowest man win trash.

Speaker 2:

Listen, okay, even when it's my career.

Speaker 1:

Everything. Yeah, the questions are stupid. I ain't gonna. I don't like the quest are stupid and everything Gravitates towards you.

Speaker 2:

Need to play Against other people everybody's don't like pvp.

Speaker 1:

My thing is, bro, about 2k why you got to be so fucking sensitive, like why you have this sensitive, as 2k put my player he cared about everything that people tweet in and talking about them and stuff. You got to prove this and prove that that you got to do all this before you even get to a game. This is stupid.

Speaker 2:

This shit kind of good. It's kind of. You got to the center of the to get in there. Finish your statement, brother.

Speaker 1:

I'm saying, though, just the extra shit is just too much for me, bro. Honestly, 2k, get your shit together, man, get your shit together.

Speaker 2:

Oh man, been trash since like the early 2010s bro.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, the last good man was man 12.

Speaker 2:

I saw playing man in no said.

Speaker 1:

So how can you make that statement if you stop playing man?

Speaker 2:

It was trash, ever since old saying and that was vik.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, right, yeah, right, you show. Yes, I think seven is Vic, seven was Vic, or seven or eight was big one of those two was big.

Speaker 2:

Then I stopped playing round seven, eight, nine. One of those Around the time I said it got trash Went to the 2010s Tracks.

Speaker 1:

They've been playing this they've been selling the exact same game for the past ten years, my P.

Speaker 2:

It's been horrible. Oh so 2013? Yes, a whole decade of trash, trash games game by you EA.

Speaker 1:

Cuz it's the hot seat for you right now, right? So if they don't make a good game, they're gonna lose their exclusive licensing and people gonna get fired and shit like that, and it's gonna be open market for the NFL.

Speaker 2:

Who's gonna make an NFL game 2k? Oh shit.

Speaker 1:

I feel like 2k make a better NFL game yeah it will make a trash. But first of all, I've been saying for the longest if EA could compete with 2k, they do with Madden. It don't. They don't, bro. If you look at their sales, it's dropped Every year for past decade. Yes, it's been dropping. Now is dropping dramatically.

Speaker 1:

That's why this is hot seat so 2k is the way to go for football. Yes, cuz I feel like they will listen when I say if you drop the yard, ea, listen to me. If you drop the yard when it's like seven on seven, like like how they got my court and all that extra stuff, if you do that on Madden, people would would love that game.

Speaker 2:

Do the, do the, uh, the little camera shit, so you can stop looking, yeah, yeah at the camera, cuz I feel like I'm doing that too. This is delicious.

Speaker 1:

My get another now.

Speaker 2:

But since you walk, you're feeling. Since you, since you up my little, get one for yourself. Ain't pretty delicious. No, no need to. Men eating lollipops.

Speaker 1:

On the pocket.

Speaker 2:

I don't know what you're talking about.

Speaker 1:

The past seven yard Thing, my Bob if they know I'm saying you see how um 2k has the, the, the court thing. Yeah, if Madden had that with like a seven on seven that should have. That should have buzzed right.

Speaker 2:

Everybody's gonna want to play while receive a Quarterback Running back. Nobody's gonna want to play line.

Speaker 1:

You don't have to have a line, you have safeties corners, safeties corners on defense.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

You would have linebackers from running backs and you could probably just substitute like ai's no, because then that's that's this. Maybe not a seven on seven. It can be probably a five on five if you can. But all you just need is Safeties, corners and and and the receiver is, as the concept of the game, just safety's corners, receivers and a running back. That's just the foundation of it, and then you just have people go against each other. Bro. That, that bro, that game would be so fire bro. You have people mad at each other. You have just so many clips.

Speaker 2:

So you really down for Madden.

Speaker 1:

To have for.

Speaker 2:

EA to lose their license.

Speaker 1:

Yes, 100%.

Speaker 2:

So you think 2k gonna take over if they do?

Speaker 1:

It's, it's been this company called maximum football. Bro, they've been doing pretty nice with, like, the physics of the game, not the graphics, because they don't have the budget of an EA to really like make it look good. But if you're talking about the the gameplay and physics of the game, it's a lot better.

Speaker 2:

EA, you got competition competition for real. I've been playing but I already know it's going to be trash, just like I know 2k 24 is going to be trash. What 2k 24 is going to be trash.

Speaker 1:

Well, I've never been into 2k like that. Honestly, it's really because I can't shoot worth a damn. I can't get time and work right now. I'm fucking mad because it's Right now. Qb's got jump shots and it's like I can never get the timing right timing.

Speaker 2:

QB's Quarterbacks have jump shots. Yes, what does that mean?

Speaker 1:

So basically, when you passing a ball, a meter comes up and you got to hit it within like a certain meter to to like to get it to, to For him to throw the ball. So it's like it's a meter thing now nine times out of 10.

Speaker 2:

If 2k take over, you better get used to it, because that's exactly what's gonna stay and the shit ain't never, ever gonna work properly, no matter how many updates. That's 2k. That's 2k basketball right now. Oh, let 2k take over, man, they feel fucking up.

Speaker 1:

But as long as they add the 7 on 7, I don't care who take what. What would you call it? What can't call it mad NFL? 2k, 2k football 2k football is not bad.

Speaker 2:

And what? What is 2k, 2k basketball? That's not what it's called.

Speaker 1:

It's NBA 2k.

Speaker 2:

So In that fail 2k.

Speaker 1:

I wouldn't be a bad title and I felt 2k hey copyright it.

Speaker 2:

They gotta go through me. They gotta go through me now. Yeah, hey, you gotta go through me. I am copyrighting that name that way. Nfl 2k 2k. Don't own the rights to 2k. Bet that up.

Speaker 1:

That's a million dollar.

Speaker 2:

plot you plan that's a million, that's a 50 hundred million dollar plot. That way Ronnie's gonna pay you that check and get that title. Wait, I can't say NFL because I'm not licensed with them. Okay, open market.

Speaker 1:

Can you license and can you license the letters individually?

Speaker 2:

Technically, yes, it can't spell NFL, and NFL is already acronym for national football league. So I'm pretty sure NFL is tied up in all that, because if you properly spell NFL, it would have those dots and spaces. Yeah there, yep, yep, all right, let's move on. So kind of send it, or I slow speed, I show speed yo.

Speaker 1:

I seen the video. I speed guys I scrolling. I don't know what kind of antics he got himself into this time, but when I tell you that boy was in the bed like no he wasn't really like that he was talking to that. I'm not.

Speaker 2:

I'm not streaming, I'm not. I'm not streaming, I'm.

Speaker 1:

I feel like that, that, that that IRL streaming is dangerous. I don't know how people do it. Well, it's like you just stream, but you walk around in real life, type shit vlogging. Live. Yeah, going live on twitch Basically I can't do that. Well, my thing is about that is.

Speaker 2:

The guy send it. That's the one that been pop up fireworks In the crib, this shit.

Speaker 1:

Yeah why, that's content I. I can't. And if you got the money for it, bro, do it, and it's their, is their place. So I can't really. It's fun for people. It's probably fun for them, you know.

Speaker 2:

I can't be not fun for his neighbors.

Speaker 1:

I would, I would, I would hate to be his neighbors.

Speaker 2:

I'm calling the cops.

Speaker 1:

I bet they've done that plenty of times.

Speaker 2:

I'm calling the cop on the black man straight up, because I wouldn't be able to live like that.

Speaker 1:

I wouldn't man, if you stand where they stand, you got millions of dollars. I mean you got at least two cribs, which means which?

Speaker 2:

means I paid hella money to not be bothered with ignorance. That's.

Speaker 1:

It's ignorant, it's it's a fun ignorant. It's not hurting nobody. Who was it hurting, other than getting what?

Speaker 2:

if they burned down the house and everybody in that bitch died? It's like then they hurt themselves, right, it's their house.

Speaker 1:

You take ownership for your actions, right? So whatever happens is, is you like you was about to go on with the cost in that scenario got to take ownership of what happened, bro?

Speaker 2:

He, I'm not saying he's not, by the way that was well. I just, I just want to let y'all know it took me a good 10 minutes to open up this motherfucking lava pop I don't know what type.

Speaker 1:

This place. Oh, but you need to get that shit patent with the government. Boy, are you really snickering?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I'm candy condescending, you must. Take a bit of the room out of the the packaged shit. Good dust, did you just take me out the fucking shot, bro. There's some disrespectful shit, kai Senate, in that New York shit.

Speaker 1:

As long as you take ownership and it don't affect me. But I can't really complain. My thing is, like I said, the IRL is dangerous, especially if you like talking about Like the thing. Did you see what he did in Japan?

Speaker 1:

No how he was like walking around in Japan and shit like that, and he was on stream. I feel like that's dangerous, bro. Even though you got a security guard, you got like millions of people that really follow you and there's thousands of weirdos. You never know you, you, you think you own, and poppy cats you lack in one of these days, and you, you are, you are influenced or chained up in and and Jeffrey Simmons, all right, all right.

Speaker 2:

All right, you all right. Huh, who's Jeffrey Simmons bro?

Speaker 1:

You don't find out who Jeffrey Simmons is. He he co-copying 305? Who been? Who been typing in your chat?

Speaker 2:

Who is co-copying?

Speaker 1:

He your number one donor. You don't even know the face behind the profile. He's your number one donor.

Speaker 2:

So you think somebody gonna kidnap Kai.

Speaker 1:

He's small, I feel like somebody can lift his ass up and just take him wherever he want to go. I'm not saying he not like able to bend himself. But Building the following. I'm connecting with his following and then, just being entertaining and being consistent, I can say that Came a long way bro.

Speaker 2:

What is he? Just like streaming, like games, like legit games at one point he was streaming games, he was making youtube content.

Speaker 1:

He wasn't doing nothing. When I first got on to him, I really didn't think nothing of him. I ain't gonna lie. But then that's when he was like the kid. Kid, he just seemed annoying to me, but then still seems annoying. No, he's more funny now.

Speaker 2:

Seemed annoying. He's more funny.

Speaker 1:

I give it to him. I'm not wrong. He's a lot more funny now, but as a kid I didn't. I thought he was just an annoying, but now it's like you feel me all. Get on screaming, bro. I've been telling this man to go stream the chat for the long. Get streaming, get the camera moving, get all the production is like that and you know what he do. Silly says you don't want Acrofitting. I gotta fuck him. Don't give it to him. You ain't know what I realized today. She really wouldn't know what I realized today. This man, for a month now, the last time we did this did not charge his battery.

Speaker 1:

He said no, did not know. It came with batteries, you don't talk about it, no idea. You won't miss it to jump, but you ain't even taking it.

Speaker 2:

I had no idea.

Speaker 1:

No idea. No, if something is remotely powered, you don't think like not even the fact that it had a battery, that it needs to be charged.

Speaker 2:

It has been in use.

Speaker 1:

And this is what we're talking about. Screaming will keep the shit in your mind the way it's like. You gotta keep it up. Check me out on kick Mr White.

Speaker 2:

Self-promotion Check me out to lead by Swah Instagram, crowned on throne podcast and all major streaming platforms.

Speaker 1:

You're still not going to make a streaming.

Speaker 2:

We will be streaming within the next couple of weeks. Cap, not going to make no promises, the fuck Bro.

Speaker 1:

But hey, man, some parts, it's on, some parts it's like you, be you, be you, be you, be full of throttle. As soon as we're all started calling, you just lose all motivation.

Speaker 2:

Let's try this. When we go to the studio it's signed up. Do they have like? Do they have like a computer and all that setup?

Speaker 1:

Yeah for like this, for recording, like shit.

Speaker 2:

All right, so we'll make, we can do that.

Speaker 1:

What does that have to do with streaming, bro? That's not street. I'm not going to have this conversation because we're going to get aggravated.

Speaker 2:

So um, this is good, this, this is good Little suck of the box. All right yeah.

Speaker 1:

Okay, um, yeah, this is what I do with my girl, yeah, yeah, um, so Casanat he's. I like Duke Dennis as a streamer too. Who's?

Speaker 2:

that I don't know these streamers. They're not famous. These are C list famous people, probably.

Speaker 1:

D. If C list bring you millions of dollars, that's all I need. I don't need to be a list celebrity, I need just a couple of ends.

Speaker 2:

They're D because they're influencers.

Speaker 1:

D if it brings you millions of dollars, I'd be. I'd be a D list.

Speaker 2:

Fame don't equal money.

Speaker 1:

That's fine. You right, 100%. That is true. There's a lot of people like Ha. Ha Davis said he had 1.2 million followers on Instagram, getting millions of views and still living in his mama basement making those videos. He said he can still remember the first time he got his first actual check.

Speaker 2:

Was he streaming.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

You're right, Exactly Like I said. I'm done with the conversation.

Speaker 2:

That that? So Kai Sinett, Is that how you say his name, kai Sinett? Who's the other one that was crying about the little soccer player? Who is that one that's?

Speaker 1:

Speed. I show, I saw Speed. What's his name? I don't know, I just know him Speed. He's weird, he's very weird. I don't like him. I don't like him.

Speaker 2:

Why he reminds me of Kai Sinett.

Speaker 1:

No not at all we show he wouldn't. Kai Sinett would not go. See the thing is, Kai Sinett is the type of hilarious funny where you could still keep like somewhat of the masculinity to it. This man Speed just gives me off like he'll do anything for the check. But now he has a check so he can be more selective. But in the beginning it was just anything for a check.

Speaker 2:

It makes me uncomfortable. Okay, I guess Him and Aiden Ross is just. Who is Aiden Ross? He's a white boy With a beard, yes. Colored hair, yeah, no, he's like low.

Speaker 1:

He got a low cut now.

Speaker 2:

He was on that the Fresh and Fit podcast bullshit? No, I don't think so. We don't fuck with Fresh and Fit we.

Speaker 1:

I'm not gonna say that.

Speaker 2:

You can fuck with them. Dumb niggas are deplorable.

Speaker 1:

They're aggravating and they say very very aggravating shit. But they do make solid points on certain things. No, they don't, they say, they do.

Speaker 2:

No, they don't.

Speaker 1:

They stretch other things out way more than it actually is, but some things I believe they show like Dumb niggas are trash Bums, bums, b-u-m-s Bums. What is your bro? You've never held a conversation with these people.

Speaker 2:

Why would?

Speaker 1:

I First of all to actually know somebody other than the camera, the camera vision that you your your subject, if that's if that's the only thing y'all want to see from somebody, then that's not the person I want to meet. If that's the only thing you have to show, I'm not saying you're going out your way to want to meet them, but to have this disdain that you have for these people and not have this thing.

Speaker 2:

I do have a disdain, I do.

Speaker 1:

Okay and not held a.

Speaker 2:

This shit is far from sour.

Speaker 1:

But um, that's all I'm saying To not hold a conversation with these people, not one singular time, and you feel this type of way is crazy.

Speaker 2:

Nah, fuck the niggas. Their podcast is trash. You get the exact same type of shit. A group of them. You go out of your way to look for this selective group I feel like they do to talk shit about them, saying they're wrong, living life wrong, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. When that podcast is done. Hey, you want to go out later? Hey, we should do this, we should kick it. Hey, you know, we should fuck.

Speaker 1:

How you know. They said that.

Speaker 2:

They've already been exposed numerous times.

Speaker 1:

Hmm, Well, I don't keep in tune with them like that to know if they've been exposed.

Speaker 2:

but I do.

Speaker 1:

That's how much I dislike them. No, that's just how much of a fan you are. To know this much and not like them is crazy.

Speaker 2:

I'm not a fan, I just this taste. But why did they're?

Speaker 1:

deplorable. Why do you know so much for you not to like them to know so much, though I watch clips, that's all I'm saying. Two and two, not not adding up to four. Say it again Two plus two is not adding up to four.

Speaker 2:

I mean, if you don't know how to count my brother, that's between you and God. You're right. That's the message. Let's move on. That's the message. Can we, can we do a little? Stop by anime Little real quick. Stop to the anime land real quick.

Speaker 1:

But you don't. You don't watch anime, but you know what? I am very intrigued to know what you got to say. So you know what? Bring your elder in the ass on, and let me hear what you got to say.

Speaker 2:

Okay, I'll take this. How about now? I just want to shout out Congratulations, ash Ketchum. You know, he finally a Pokemon mask.

Speaker 1:

This man is in the fucking coma. I told you this. He retired. He finally became a champion and he retired, bro. Everything adds up, bro, even a coma, bro. That's a theory, bro. First of all, this is this is the theory that you want to say You're going to tell me in the world of Pokemon, you're going to tell me this dude, after 28 years of living, 20, 22 at the most, but 20, 20, 21, 22.

Speaker 1:

36 years of living, stayed the same age, only changed into two outfits and has the same exact nurse joys Hold on, hold on. He has the same exact nurse, joys and officer. Whatever her name is, jenny Jenny, no, she's not, she's not done, no more. Yeah, she probably even got old and died.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Except him. I'm telling you, man, this is this, I play with him.

Speaker 2:

You want to that way. Is rocking Missy the same age? Brock and Misty are the same age.

Speaker 1:

That's his imagination. That's how he remembered them. He can't picture them older. Are you not seeing the clues? He can't see another nurse. He can't see another. All right, all right.

Speaker 2:

But he can, him, he can go around the world.

Speaker 1:

You can imagine eight fucking places, and how many times I bet you've dreamed you was in Wakanda Once. No, I know it's more than once. That's cap, but it's like all I'm saying is once you can dream of imaginary places.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, but I still don't think that's just been a conspiracy theory for years. He's not in a coma, it's a fact.

Speaker 1:

But it's not in a coma. If you really want to talk about anime, let's really talk about one piece.

Speaker 2:

Y'all got to get your shit and the gunggum, the fruit. They revealed that, like two years ago, in the comic books.

Speaker 1:

What the fuck did you just call it?

Speaker 2:

The uh, I know his powers is gunggum.

Speaker 1:

No, no, no, no. What did you just refer to it as the gunggum.

Speaker 2:

No, no, no, no the the, the, the, the, the.

Speaker 1:

What did they show it on I?

Speaker 2:

don't know what you're saying.

Speaker 1:

You said they revealed it two years ago In the manga. No no no, no, no, asshole, you're not going to say and just throw manga in there, like that's just what he said. He did not say manga Don't ever get, you can reverse it. Don't ever get the two misconstrued and say comic and manga and don't do that you can reverse it.

Speaker 2:

I said manga.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I know you said Bro, this is footage. I'm so happy that this is recorded.

Speaker 2:

I'm happy it's recorded too, because you said I said comic book. You said comic. I did not. I said that's what they revealed. They revealed that two years ago in the manga. You were listening for comic, so you heard comic book. I did not say comic book. Anyway, if you're referring to the anime and Luffy getting this new form, are they revealing his form or the secrets of his form? It's a human-human fruit.

Speaker 1:

That's chopper shit, it's the Nico, nico, no me, sir. First of all, so you're gonna respect me.

Speaker 2:

I mean, I was probably watching this fucking anime before you were born, anyway.

Speaker 1:

But go ahead, but you're not now. Like I said, you're an elder, so let the new generation say that.

Speaker 2:

Okay, like I'm saying right. So what about it? What about this new form?

Speaker 1:

Bro. They showed this man doing the transformation and he fought a dragon about 26 times and took up 86 hours of the whole anime.

Speaker 2:

Oh, so now y'all getting into Dragon Ball Z territory. Finally, we'll never. We'll never be Dragon Ball Z.

Speaker 1:

Stop. But first of all you're disrespectful.

Speaker 2:

They will never be. Dragon Ball Z, that's I'm saying how long it took Goku to power up to Super Saiyan. Don't care.

Speaker 1:

There's nothing like Dragon Ball Z. Dragon Ball Z and Naruto have their own seclusive areas in anime when it comes to power up for Dragon Ball. Z and and, and, and and and fillers for Naruto.

Speaker 2:

No, no story of a toe and fillers.

Speaker 1:

Oh my god.

Speaker 2:

Naruto is filler, is the best anime story ever told. What, what? The best anime story ever told is Naruto through Naruto Shippuden, that story, the entirety. I don't talk about Boruto, because that's some others Like. That's between Boruto and God. I'm Mr Kukai, oh well, the A-V and people are. But Naruto, naruto Shippuden, greatest anime story ever told Better than Dragon Ball. Z.

Speaker 1:

That's cap. I know several anime has a better. My hero, academia, has one of the best story lines to ever hit the market. Now look what's the storyline of Naruto. This is to people.

Speaker 2:

So little ostracized kid with a demon inside him. He asked to save the world.

Speaker 1:

That's just your rough. Okay, got it.

Speaker 2:

They're all like that.

Speaker 1:

They're all like that. It's not like which one is more, which one is more tragic. Y'all tell me, born with a demon ostracized and has to save the world and a kid growing up without powers. A kid growing up without powers and a world, in a super powered world.

Speaker 2:

So he feels ostracized because he wants to be a hero. He meets his favorite hero. He has to save the world.

Speaker 1:

No, no, no, no, you just get meets his favorite hero.

Speaker 2:

The hero gives him his powers, and now he has to save the world.

Speaker 1:

He is being better than his hero.

Speaker 2:

Naruto is being better than his mother.

Speaker 1:

Naruto aspirations was to be Hokage.

Speaker 2:

And Deku's aspiration is to be the number one hero.

Speaker 1:

Number one, sam. He never said he wanted to be the number one. Hokage. There's a difference.

Speaker 2:

There's several.

Speaker 1:

Hage. He never said he wanted to be number one of the Kage verse. He said he just wanted to be a Kage. That's it. That's all he wanted to be. That's it, and he achieved that. Now you've got the trials of going through hundreds of heroes to get to number one and save the world at the same time. Come on now, bro, so.

Speaker 2:

Naruto didn't get through hundreds of ninjas to become Hokage and save the world like three times. Three times.

Speaker 1:

Naruto is a dick drunk. Look, all right, I got a better argument.

Speaker 2:

I got a better argument.

Speaker 1:

You go through all this about your so-called best friend that you met for three days in a Juni exam, and you just go over the world and whatever you want to call it. You met this man for 24 hours and he's just your best friend that you go back and forth for.

Speaker 2:

They are tied. Their destinies are literally intertwined with each other. That's why they're destined to meet each other.

Speaker 1:

Oh, so you're saying bullshit, jutsu. I'm just saying no. Somebody you met for 24 hours.

Speaker 2:

You going to hell and back for Fuck you.

Speaker 1:

You going to hell and back for somebody you met for 24 hours. You finna go fight some ninjas that then pack him up during the exam that you're trying to go and pass, but in the middle of that he get packed up and taken in a wood and smoked somewhere. But I'm finna go chase them.

Speaker 2:

He wasn't smoking, he was training. Thank you, thank you and yes.

Speaker 1:

That boy was hot boxing in that barrel, stop it.

Speaker 2:

But let me ask you this you got Goku.

Speaker 1:

But don't, don't access that generic as question.

Speaker 2:

Let me finish the question. Okay, so you got.

Speaker 1:

Monkey D.

Speaker 2:

Luffy, who got the best hands? Pure hands, pure hands.

Speaker 1:

Pure hands.

Speaker 2:

Goku, no matter what. Yeah, okay, because I was going to put Ichigo from Bleach Monkey D Luffy Naruto, rock Lee Naruto.

Speaker 1:

No, rock Lee. Yeah, bro, as soon as you throw Rock Lee in there, it's over. You're talking about strictly hands? Yeah, but it's over.

Speaker 2:

Goku still beat him. No, goku still beat him.

Speaker 1:

His whole life has predicated on throwing hands in a world where people growed you to Bro. You're able to throw projectiles, you're able to throw chakra. You're able to throw lightning, you're able to throw fire. Whatever you want to picture in your mind, you able to do it. You know what I got.

Speaker 2:

These hands, these motherfucking hands, niggas. Hey, Nah, but Goku beats anybody.

Speaker 1:

Stop. And then, bro, what Leave? With no weights? They're waiting, keeping up. Take he and all that transformation.

Speaker 2:

Just base, goku, just I give him Goku from Dragon Ball is clapping on him. Stop Goku from Dragon Ball. You take all his phone. You take.

Speaker 1:

Look, kid Goku, you take, you take.

Speaker 2:

Kid Goku from Dragon Ball is clapping on Broccoli you take he and all his transformations away. You leave it to. I'm giving you Kid Goku.

Speaker 1:

I'm going to give him all his training with Barus, kid Buu, all his trials and tribulations he done been through. He survived all that without without he or transformation, strictly hands, it's man Goku again, peace stuff. This man, rock Lee, has two of the best hands to hand combat combat fights and anime history. And you want to say Goku going to keep up with a hand to hand combat fight?

Speaker 2:

Goku is clapping Rock Lee, though.

Speaker 1:

When have you ever seen Goku truly throw hands?

Speaker 2:

Goku is clapping Rock Lee. When have you?

Speaker 1:

seen him throw hands though.

Speaker 2:

I got 20 years. You've seen him shoot.

Speaker 1:

Key Blast.

Speaker 2:

You've seen him, do have you watched Dragon Ball at all?

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

You lying what? You didn't watch Dragon Ball. First of all, if you watch Dragon Ball, if you watch Dragon Ball, you would not be saying that.

Speaker 1:

Let me tell you what Dragon Ball is all about.

Speaker 2:

You said Dragon Ball, forget it. I'm talking about Dragon Ball. Let me tell you what.

Speaker 1:

Dragon Ball is all to carry on. What Toriyama, whatever his name, is A kid, toriyama, toriyama. Let me tell you what his animations of a hand to hand combat, fight is 136 scenes of the same hands doing the same moves. That's, hand to hand combat, and, and, and, and. Like three different Key Blasters, like come on bro.

Speaker 2:

So just because the animation is not to your taking, that means they automatically lose? I'm kidding. Okay, the Goku is clapping Rock Lee.

Speaker 1:

How many moves do he know with his hands? Because from the cut scenes that I've seen in the anime, that man throwing left, right, shoulder block up down 32 times. That's it. You know what Rock Lee got Elbows, knees, back of their killies.

Speaker 2:

Hey man, you can say what you want and I'm I'm so calm about my choice. Goku is clapping everybody in hand to hand combat Bro. Rock Lee In the Naruto universe Stop, stop.

Speaker 1:

Rock Lee will make this man Goku fought on himself.

Speaker 2:

Stop it Goku has literally been training in martial arts.

Speaker 1:

He had choked him so hard he has shit in his pants for over 50 years. Stop man go Goku. Rock Lee Rock Lee. Right now. Rock Lee Rock Lee. No, he's his master. Guy, Guy, Guy Sensei, Guy Sensei in the wheelchair. A smack shit out of goddamn Guy Sensei In the wheelchair, Guy.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

In the wheel after moderate Guy.

Speaker 2:

Sensei In the wheelchair. Guy Sensei, let me finish.

Speaker 1:

He can't do kicks Just straight elbows, knees, I mean elbows, knuckles.

Speaker 2:

If Guy Sensei fought Goku, goku will probably have to turn Super Saiyan, but Goku still clapping Guy Sensei. So I'll give it to Guy. I'll give it to Guy Sensei. Okay, rock Lee's getting clapped, guy. Guy Sensei's getting clapped by Super Saiyan 1, goku.

Speaker 1:

Not even Super Saiyan. 2. You're disrespectful.

Speaker 2:

That's not disrespect. That's the truth. That's my opinion. That's my truth.

Speaker 1:

I see why it's your truth than only your truth. Yeah, that's everybody's truth. No, not at all.

Speaker 2:

It's my opinion. Nah, it ain't nothing. But listen, bro. Guy Sensei, getting clapped by Goku. Super Saiyan 1. Rock Lee's getting clapped by Goku base form. You got to understand. He's practicing In the Mongols. Right now Goku is training to use ultra instinct in his base form.

Speaker 1:

See what he's doing. I said take the forms out strictly hands, strictly hands, strictly hands. So it's base. It's just what Goku knows in his mind.

Speaker 2:

That's the technique. It's not a transformation. Look it up, look it up. It is a technique. It is a fighting technique. Look it up, look it up. I'm not here to argue with you. It's a technique. He can use it and he's not even using it.

Speaker 1:

First off, first off.

Speaker 2:

Goku clapping everybody, he's not.

Speaker 1:

He's not clapping Rock Lee First off Goku's hand. You saying so, you giving Goku ultra instinct. No, so I got to give Rock Lee off the scissor.

Speaker 2:

Oh, that drunk of this.

Speaker 1:

That man is unpredictable. You can't keep up. I know who Rock Lee can't be Without the weights, without the weights, and he drunk. Come on.

Speaker 2:

Goku's faster than that though.

Speaker 1:

Oh, you know what. You know what we gonna say Goku, not go Rock Lee Without the weights drunk and eight intergates. Come on, bro, who's beating that?

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

No, the fuck, no. Goku's clapping, oh my god, goku's clapping him. He's not Let it go. He's not. Goku strictly martial arts. The gate with the eight gates open.

Speaker 2:

Okay, goku will go Super Saiyan 2. Then what?

Speaker 1:

So how powerful do you base moderate Cause the eight gates fuck moderate up. So how powerful do you consider moderate in the spectrum of anime?

Speaker 2:

Goku will clap moderate. Goku will fuck moderate up.

Speaker 1:

This man, check me out. This man, moderate, put Goku in the genjutsu so fast. Why he thinking he over the end State lobsters and eggs? No, that's not.

Speaker 2:

That's how I know you didn't watch Dragon Ball, bro Goku, with Goku Goku's mental telepathy saying he's built that up with his key. You can't just put Goku under any time.

Speaker 1:

You just said telepathy.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, mind control shit.

Speaker 1:

We ain't worry about telepathy and, first of all, we ain't worry about your moderate Moderator is basically putting them under mind control.

Speaker 2:

You can't. Oh man, that was a ghost Scary. That's because you're talking too much, bro.

Speaker 1:

Okay, that's cap. Then you know that's cap, that moderate is putting in that word.

Speaker 2:

Super Saiyan God Goku, then Red, not Super Saiyan Genjutsu Goku cannot be mind control.

Speaker 1:

See the thing that he's fucking up about the mind control. He's building key that you can't get into his mind telepathically.

Speaker 2:

We ain't trying to get in that. That's what Genjutsu is, as soon as you look into my eyes.

Speaker 1:

That's what Genjutsu is, and we all know Goku is a straight shooter. As soon as you look into this man eyes, it's over. We getting in through the retina, it's over. Not through the mind, through the eyes, the gateway Goku's clapping.

Speaker 2:

Everybody in the Naruto universe there I said it.

Speaker 1:

Tell me, tell me.

Speaker 2:

Goku clapping everybody in the Naruto universe.

Speaker 1:

Please tell me what is Goku going to do to a perfect Susano? I'm just asking what about black flames that don't go away unless the target's dead? What is he gonna do against that Cause? Goku, damn shit, don't like to die, so he gonna be burning forever. Use his key to take it off. It don't go away unless the target's dead.

Speaker 2:

Use his key as energy to take it off.

Speaker 1:

It can't come off unless there's the stipulation to the ability.

Speaker 2:

There's a I believe it's a movie, a Dragon Ball movie with something like that happen and Goku just uses his energy to expel it. Listen, man, goku's clapping his life, goku's clapping everybody in the.

Speaker 1:

Naruto universe.

Speaker 2:

So who else you got Naruto's clapping all from all might.

Speaker 1:

With or without Kuruma, With or without burying him. What did I say Kuruma? You said all might.

Speaker 2:

Naruto's clapping all might. That's what I said, yes, no, I meant Goku's clapping all might. I didn't give him that Goku's clapping everybody Not clapping Deku, though.

Speaker 1:

This, no, no, no, not physically. I will say Goku is superior to Deku, whatever you'll give him that. But if you're talking about all might, if it's gonna be a straight hand to hand combat, I'll say Goku's stronger than all might. But with Deku, if you give Deku with the ability that he has, all might, strength and all the previous users abilities, times, whatever the ability that I already did to, that's too much to work with bro, that's a lot. That's eight different abilities that you have to work with at one time Goku fought.

Speaker 1:

Jiren. Let me say this, Jiren, first of all, I hate the Jiren Like debate, jiren, came out of nowhere. First of all, jiren wasn't even supposed to be that mystery person. That's stronger than his God. He wasn't even. He got thrown into that role because they couldn't. They had no one else to fill that role. Jiren wasn't traditionally supposed to be that person. That's the first thing, and that's a cop out, because he came out of nowhere.

Speaker 2:

It's not a cop out, bro. Jiren came out of nowhere, yeah, but here's the bigger picture I'm trying to get you to see. Okay, jiren is a starting point. All right, so at this point we can both agree that Goku and Vegeta are far past whatever the fuck Jiren can do right now.

Speaker 1:

Cap. We don't know. He's in a whole other universe and time is past.

Speaker 2:

I'm referring to tournament of power, jiren. Okay, okay, goku and Vegeta are past that. Okay, can we agree? Okay, right.

Speaker 1:

So I don't know? Stop, I don't know about Vegeta. Honestly, that's real. I don't know about Vegeta, bro.

Speaker 2:

Goku and Vegeta are around.

Speaker 1:

I don't know I know what gives Vegeta the and I respect Vegeta, they be home on Vegeta. But like what gives Vegeta the leverage that you so say, that gives him the ability to think that he gives Vegeta.

Speaker 2:

Do you know what Ultra Ego?

Speaker 1:

is yeah, he get to use Hakai. Did you not see what the fuck Vegeta did to Toppo in the tournament of power when he was using Hakai? Did you not see what another Hakai? Hakai at this point doesn't mean too much of anything, unless we see how really powerful it is, like Burris or someone else.

Speaker 2:

Burris is teaching him.

Speaker 1:

Yes, but you really think Burris is the type as conservative as Burris really is. You really think he's teaching him all his tricks? Burris, he's teaching them all his tricks.

Speaker 2:

I don't want to have this conversation.

Speaker 1:

I'm asking you, the character that they have put in front of you for Dragon Ball Z purposes. Do you believe he's teaching them all his tricks?

Speaker 2:

He is teaching him that there is a different way to get as strong as Goku, without taking the Ultra Instinct path.

Speaker 1:

And that do not automatically mean he's stronger than this man, jiren, because Jiren was stronger than Toppo. And was he not holding his God of Destruction key back in hopes of Jiren? Was he not doing that? Was Jiren still not the number one person you kidding? Was he stronger than his God of Destruction? So that's still not saying how far in depth are we getting into Vegeta in his hakaifon.

Speaker 2:

Vegeta is as strong as Goku. They are around the same level. You keep falling off into different conversations and the facts.

Speaker 1:

I'm falling into the facts.

Speaker 2:

You don't know the facts because you clearly don't watch it enough.

Speaker 1:

Okay, I don't know the facts, you right.

Speaker 2:

This has been Crown on Throne Podcast. Y'all have a lovely day. Thank you for watching and being here with us.

Speaker 1:

You're an asshole. You didn't even talk about the Jiren fucks topic. Is it important? Is it? I don't know? You mentioned it. How do you? You right, you got it, you got it, you got it. I don't know the facts. I don't know all the facts.

Speaker 2:

I don't know and I don't want to press your.

Speaker 1:

you know bro, did you see that video of the black people in the boat?

Speaker 2:

Oh, let's talk about that. Let's finish this strong, all right, so give me your play by play analysis. Yo, my thing is honestly, I didn't see the original video Wait, we can't say this wasn't about race, because even if it didn't start about race, it definitely turned into a race.

Speaker 1:

But my thing is, bro, if people want to act like assholes and arrogant, you feel me. And all the security guard was trying to tell him to do is not to park your boat right here. And you just think you just so above. That's just the 1%. You so above everything, you don't have to follow the port rules, but, nigga, you don't own this. This is, this, is you rent the cities. You rent probably the space here.

Speaker 2:

The thing is they didn't. That was the cruise line or whatever that was. That was their portion of the dock that was specifically theirs. That's their assigned parking or docking. There was just red next to one, but that that, that, that that video.

Speaker 2:

That happened before the bra started and buddy was just telling them to move the boat. After a while the other group just came another buddy that he was moving, moving the boat kind of sorta and he was talking to the other guy this cold cabin, whatever he was two white dudes. The dude that was moving the boat, I don't know what, came to shove the guy and that's what started it. And then you had you actually had, like I would say, dock security and cops just like watching that whole shit. Cops didn't give a fuck either.

Speaker 1:

My thing is, bro, this shows we can stick together. That's, that's that. That. That was this one. Like it was an ignorant moment, but it was a proud ignorant. Okay, honestly Cause like it's a lot of talks to these people really talking about like racism not racism, but like slavery coming back and that really showed like we ain't going without no fight and that's all that matter to me. Who the fuck told you that what? But they trying to enforce martial law and get us locked in.

Speaker 2:

Who told you that? What a, what a, what a, what a, what a, what a, what a? Cnn report CNN is fabricated. Where's the report? Oh, because you got your information from the internet, cause that ain't fabricated it is, but you got to weed through the bullshit.

Speaker 1:

And is it 100%? Like? I don't know if it's 100%, I'm not in the no, but I do believe that they been screaming martial law for years. They, they, they, they trying to do something and it ain't going. My favorite thing about that also was the media afterwards. Oh bro, I'm not going to like the Avengers meme. Oh my gosh, you didn't see the Avengers meme.

Speaker 2:

Nice, see that.

Speaker 1:

They had one with a security guard, with a backing out, was like getting like pushed down.

Speaker 2:

And then the portal. Yeah, I saw that one. I saw that one.

Speaker 1:

That was pretty fun yeah that one just got me boy. And then the dude that, that that stretched across the seas. Oh man, you get. You get my props, you get my props, cause I don't think I, I, I across the ocean.

Speaker 2:

I would have. I would have taken off my clothes.

Speaker 1:

You wouldn't really, you really would have jumped in the water to go, to go over there and I if it was a way around, I would have, I would have, I would have, I would have hold up, I'll go around, but you telling me jumping that water freezing cold. It was freezing cold. What was the summer bro?

Speaker 2:

What was this at Alabama, montgomery or something.

Speaker 1:

Okay, it's probably hot.

Speaker 2:

I don't know, but the water still be cold bro.

Speaker 1:

I don't care when, when, when your when, when your body is hot and you hop into some water and be cold regardless that dirty hot water.

Speaker 2:

He ain't getting no leeches on his body. This has been crowned for podcast.

Speaker 1:

Y'all, don't, y'all, don't, y'all, don't part your boats where it's not supposed to be and won't start. Nothing won't be nothing. Don't don't, don't, don't. Sit here and try to jump on. No black man neck Ladies, we need you. Come for us, they coming for us on all sides.

Speaker 2:

Don't start, nothing won't be nothing, and this has been crowned for podcast. Don't start, nothing won't be nothing.

Speaker 1:

Can't be. Mr White, appreciate it.

Speaker 2:

I mean we, some walking motherfuckers around here.

Speaker 1:

We stretching all parts of the boat.

Speaker 2:

Cause we, walking to the dock, don't start. Nothing Won't be nothing.

Speaker 1:

I seen. I seen somebody to skit bro, Somebody to skit bro, and I promise this shit is so amazing I forgot the name of the person, so it was just like a random dock Dude came in with a chair and it's hot, like like. The thing is like you can go around the fence, but he made it so dramatic and threw it over the fence. And he's hot over the fence like what the heck, what the heck.

Speaker 2:

And there was nobody in the dock. This has been crowned on thrown podcast.

Speaker 1:

You see me hitting him. The scene you was saying was going on. It was like the way how you act bro, I'm thrown podcast y'all. Yeah, we out.

Speaker 2:

What is a vain ace? I sent you something. I don't watch it, not like that.

Speaker 1:

No, you fit, I appreciate everybody.

People on this episode